News & Events
Il percorso delle città verso la sostenibilità è un lavoro trasversale che interviene in ambiti diversi: dalla mobilità alla sicurezza, dal verde alla digitalizzazione. Ma quali sono le strategie da mettere in campo e a quali iniziative stanno lavorando i comuni? Professor Edoardo Croci, direttore del SUR Lab ne discute insieme a Matteo Lepore, Sindaco di Bologna; Giulia Casonato Assessora con delega in materia di transizione verde, innovazione digitale e partecipazione di Trento; Massimiliano De Martin, Assessore all’ Urbanistica, Edilizia Privata e Ambiente di Venezia.
COP28 recently concluded in Dubai, pointed out the relevance of cities at the centre of the climate crisis. Professors Edoardo Croci and Benedetta Lucchitta tell us about COP28 outputs through a podcast, focusing on what role urban centres played, what objectives they achieved and what questions remain open.
The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Bocconi University and United Cities and Local Governments are glad to announce their COP28 joint Side Event on "Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy".
Bocconi University is glad to announce and invite you to attend the COP28 event "The territorialization of the Agenda 2030 and urban low carbon transition" aimed at spotlighting strategies and policies that cities can implement to achieve carbon neutrality and enhance local resilience.
Cities attract each year thousands of off-site students thanks to the high quality of university programs, the concentration of urban services and the overall job opportunities. However, cities are now facing a student housing emergency, due to the gap between accommodation demand and house availability, quality and accessibility. On November 29th, Bocconi University and MUSA project organise a workshop focusing on analysing the current situation of student accommodation in Italy and in Milan.
On November 7th, Professor Edoardo Croci, SUR Lab Director, discussed at the Urbanpromo workshop the role of ESG criteria in supporting urban regeneration projects. Find here the link to re-watch the discussion and learn more about the relationship between the ESG approach and urban transformation.
Are you a post-graduate or a post-doc researcher in Economics or Business and Management Engineering with experience and interest in Sustainable Urban Regeneration? Are you available to travel and conduct applied research in the field of nature-based solutions, circular economy, energy transition, and sustainable mobility, by working in a multidisciplinary and dynamic project with high-ranked universities and industrial partners? Bocconi University offers 1 full-time research grant within the multiannual research project MUSA, fully funded by the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan.
La prima stagione del podcast “Sustainability and the city", realizzato nell’ambito del progetto MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action, è ora online. Nell'episodio E.3 IL VALORE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA', Professor Croci, SUR Lab Director, discute del ruolo e della rilevanza delle discipline economiche nell'analisi degli impatti ecologici e sociali delle politiche pubbliche, delle attività e dei progetti con particolare attenzione alla scala urbana
Professor Croci, SUR Lab director, talks about the role of urban regeneration process in leading sustainable development at the urban scale, considering its effects on reducing soil consumption, increasing energy efficiency, enhancing quality of life, promoting a circular economy approach and sustainable mobility. The Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan strongly recognizes the relevance of urban regeneration process through different strategic actions and supporting financial mechanisms.
Bocconi’s SUR Lab has chosen the management of urban green areas as its research focus for this year. The decision comes at a crucial moment in which several cities, including Milan, have experienced serious weather-related events that urge them to innovate their approaches and models for the management of urban parks, whether public or private, to enhance ecosystem services, and build resilience.