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Lucchitta B., Palermo V., Melica G., Molteni T., Burro A., Bertoldi P., Croci E. (2024), “Are European cities achieving emission reduction commitments? A comparative analysis under the Covenant of Mayors initiative”, Heliyon, 10 e23423. LINK

Buchoud, N.J.A. et al (2022). T7 Task Force International cooperation for the global common good. A G7 Infrastructure Club – Mobilizing the transformative power of cities to support multilateralism and the Agenda 2030 in Post-Covid G7/G20. POLICY BRIEF. LINK

Croci, E., Lucchitta, B., Penati, T. (2022). An urban PES model for diffused green areas requalification and maintenance in Milan, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 130, pp. 47-60, ISSN 1462-9011. LINK

Bagaini, A., Croci, E., Molteni, T. (2022). Boosting energy home renovation through innovative business models: ONE-STOP-SHOP solutions assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP), 331, 129990, ISSN 0959-6526. LINK

Croci, E., Lucchitta, B. (2021). “Climate Change and Urban Nature: impacts and policies at the urban level”. In Planning Climate Smart Cities, Kwi-Gon, K., Massamba, T. (eds). The Urban Book Series, Springer Nature. LINK

Croci, E., Lucchitta, B., Molteni, T. (2021). Low carbon urban strategies: An investigation of 124 European cities. Urban climate, 40, 101022. LINK

Croci, E., Lucchitta, B. (2021). Nature-based solutions for more sustainable cities – a framework approach for planning and evaluation. Book. Emerald publishing. LINK

Mayor, B., Toxopeus, H., McQuaid, S., Croci, E., Lucchitta, B., Reddy, S.E., Egusquiza, A., Altamirano, M.A., Trumbic, T., Tuerk, A., García, G., Feliu, E., Malandrino, C., Schante, J., Jensen, A., López Gunn, E. (2021). State of the Art and Latest Advances in Exploring Business Models for Nature-Based Solutions. Sustainability, 13, 7413. LINK

Croci, E., Molteni, T. (2021). Business Models for Smart City Solutions: An Overview of Main Archetypes. International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC), 2(2), 94-109. LINK

Croci, E., Lucchitta, B., Penati, T. (2021). Valuing Ecosystem Services at the Urban Level: A Critical Review. Sustainability. 13(3), 1129. LINK

Bertoldi, P., Lucchitta, B., Molteni, M., Palermo, V. (2021). Le politiche urbane per la transizione low-carbon e il Patto dei sindaci. Sesto Rapporto sulle città Le città protagoniste dello sviluppo sostenibile. In Sesto Rapporto sulle città Le città protagoniste dello sviluppo sostenibile. Book. Società editrice il Mulino. LINK

Andreucci, M.B., Croci, E. (2021). "Assessing Integrated Circular Actions as Nexus Solutions Across Different Urban Challenges: Evidence Toward a City-Sensitive Circular Economy". In Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Haarstad, H., Borsboom van Beurden, J. (eds.), Results of SSPCR 2019, Springer, 215-225. LINK 

Buchoud, N. J.A., Bartlett, R., Croci, E., Dey, P.D., Kerr L.B., Wuennenberg, L.B. (2020). "Shaping the new frontiers of sustainable (urban) infrastructure: reviewing the long-term value of infrastructure investments and enabling system change". Taskforce 3 Infrastructure Investment and Financing, Saudi Arabia Think20 (T20). LINK