SUR Lab annual workshop: Public-private cooperative models for urban parks sustainable management
Urban parks play a key role in providing quality of life and urban sustainability, as they generate several ecosystem services such as improving air quality and carbon capture process, draining rainwater, enhancing microclimate, providing socio-recreational opportunities, and increasing aesthetic value.
The lessening of public budgets asks for innovative business models addressing urban park implementation and long-term management based on cooperative partnerships of public and private entities.
On May 13th at 09.30 am, the SUR Lab team invites you to join the annual workshop "Public-private Cooperative Models for Sustainable Urban Parks Implementation and Management" in Bocconi.
The workshop intends to explore innovative business models involving several public and private actors, such as local administrations, park managers, real estate developers, citizens' associations, sponsors, and commercial bodies.
During the event representatives of the Municipalities, public agencies, real estate and NGOs will discuss the relevance of innovating parks development and management in urban contexts with reference to specific best practices.
Furthermore, the SUR Lab position paper "Business models for the implementation and management of urban parks" will be presented during the Workshop.
You can register for free HERE
Workshop Agenda
09.30 - Welcome coffee
10.00 - Apertura
Antonella Carù, Prorettrice per lo Sviluppo e le Relazioni con gli Alumni, Università Bocconi
Elena Grandi, Assessora all’Ambiente e Verde, Comune di Milano
10.20 - Introduzione
Edoardo Croci, Direttore SUR Lab, Università Bocconi
Mario Abbadessa, Senior Managing Director & Country Head, Hines Italy
10.40 - Presentazione della ricerca SUR Lab “Innovative business models for the implementation and management of urban parks”
Benedetta Lucchitta, Research fellow, Università Bocconi
11.00 - Tavola rotonda
Silvio Anderloni, Centro Forestazione Urbana, Italia Nostra
Valerio Audisio, Fund Manager, Invimit Sgr
Anna Chiesura, Ricercatrice, ISPRA
Letizia Gabrielli, Responsabile Struttura per la Progettazione, Agenzia del Demanio
Giuseppe Marinoni, Presidente della Commissione del Paesaggio, Comune di Milano
12.00 - Conclusioni
Edoardo Croci, Direttore SUR Lab, Università Bocconi
Photo by Luiza Giannelli on Unsplash
FileInvito- SUR-LAB13maggio2024.pdf (373.22 KB)