Dialoghi su Milano: la città come risorsa comune

The seminar "Dialoghi su Milano: la città come risorsa comune" will be held during the three-day Satellite Event of the New European Bauhaus Festival 2024. The seminar aims to provide citizens, associations and stakeholders with exemplary cases and methodologies to promote resource accessibility, sustainability, inclusiveness, and urban regeneration.
Professor Edoardo Croci, Director of SUR Lab Bocconi, will discuss housing rights and availability by considering the role of urban regeneration in promoting housing accessibility and social inclusion.
The event will be held on Saturday, April 20th 2024, from 9:30 to 16:00, at the Edificio Trifoglio of Campus Bonardi, Politecnico di Milano.
More information is available HERE (in Italian).
To participate: register HERE.