Final Workshop "Urban regeneration models’ innovation and impact assessment - Key players compared"

On July 1st 2024, the final workshop “Urban regeneration models’ innovation and impact assessment - Key players compared” took place at Bocconi University. During the workshop, the key messages that emerged from the masterclass cycle were reported, highlighting the importance of instruments to evaluate the impacts and benefits of urban regeneration, the central role of public-private partnerships, and the relevance of assessing economic, financial and environmental risks for the real estate sector in light of climate change and European policy framework evolution. The workshop also explored the key role of private developers, public administrations, financial institutions and asset managers in urban regeneration initiatives, remarking on the importance of generating economic, social and environmental benefits for local communities. The discussion sparked the interest of the participants, which engaged with the experts:
- Edoardo Croci, SUR Lab Director, Bocconi University
- Benedetta Lucchitta, SUR Lab Researcher, Bocconi University
- Tania Molteni, SUR Lab Researcher, Bocconi University
- Annamaria Bagaini, SUR Lab Researcher, Bocconi University
- Pietro Mazzi, Head of Real Estate Industry, IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division, Intesa Sanpaolo
- Raoul Ravara, Managing Director Asset Management, Hines
- Giancarlo Scotti, CEO, CDP Real Asset SGR
- Riccardo Serrini, CEO, Prelios Group
- Giancarlo Tancredi, Urban Regeneration Council Member, Comune di Milano
HERE the final workshop program.
The Masterclass series has been organised by Bocconi University, with GBC Italy's support, and it is part of MUSA project - Spoke 1.
More information on the program and the previous masterclass can be found HERE.