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Urban Regeneration in the MOOC directed by Edoardo Croci


The Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) "Sustainable urban regeneration" directed by Edoardo Croci, Director of the SUR Lab, is available for free on Coursera platform starting from December 15.

The transformation of land use, functions, and services in cities represents an opportunity to foster sustainable development, contributing to local and global challenges. Urban regeneration is a key area to govern change, attract investments, engage stakeholders, and generate multiple benefits in both developed and developing countries.

The course explores sustainable urban regeneration considering its contribution to sustainability through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. This allows for planning, assessing, and evaluating urban regeneration processes and projects considering different stakeholders’ perspectives. Students will acquire knowledge to identify and assess the values generated by urban regeneration at the urban scale. Specific worldwide case studies will be analyzed to individuate policy and business models for successful urban regeneration. 

During the course, case studies from various world cities will be analyzed to identify the policy templates and business models that enable successful urban regeneration. Teachers of the course will be professor Edoardo Croci and the researchers of the SUR Lab, Benedetta LucchittaTania Molteni and Annamaria Bagaini, who will invite a number of outside guests to participate in class discussions, including academics and policymakers.

The MOOC was implemented with the support of SUR Lab partners Hines, Intesa Sanpaolo, Milanosesto and Prelios.