Professor Edoardo Croci in the Group of Experts Supporting the CIPU
Edoardo Croci, Director of SUR Lab and Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences in Bocconi, has been appointed as a member of the group of experts supporting the Interministerial Committee for Urban Policies (CIPU). The appointment came by a decree from Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility Enrico Giovannini.
The group of experts will contribute to the definition of strategy for urban areas and the guidelines for a national urban agenda to develop policies and actions for sustainable development at municipal and metropolitan city scale. In addition, they will support the allocation processes of the resources provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in favor of local authorities, to which more than half of the resources are destined, as well as the supervising their implementation until verification of their impact.
“My appointment to the group of experts is also a recognition and valorization of the work done within Bocconi's GREEN center on issues related to urban policies through a series of European and National projects. These include the development of the Linee guida nazionali per l'agenda urbana in relation to the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, commissioned by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Membership in the group is also functional to the activities of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, established last year,” Croci concludes.
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