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The future of cities after the pandemic

15 minutes city
Snack News - Bocconi University and Corriere della Sera

Covid-19 pandemic has changed our habits and lifestyles. Cities emerged as the epicentres of COVID-19 pandemic: roughly 90% of COVID-19 infections worldwide were reported in urban areas. 

Thus, how do cities deal with these challenges?

From the 15-minute-city concept to new living and working models, our cities are experiencing a deep transformation. Inclusion, walkability, services proximity, functional mix and green spaces are becoming key elements for healthy and sustainable cities and neighbourhoods.

These transformations are already in place in many cities like Paris, Barcellona and Milan. For instance, in Milan, the average distance from home to work has decreased by over 50% since 2019. 

Edoardo Croci, SUR Lab director and professor at  Bocconi University, talks about solutions and best practices to promote health and reduce vulnerability in our cities.